A GRAND MOSAIC Infuse some of your own personal style and charm on this breathtaking space offering a unique blend of Spanish, Mexican and American Southwestern influences.

  • Celebrate your love along the sparkling shore of Lago Dorado, meaning “Golden Lake.”
  • Choose the perfect backdrop for your ceremony. Guests can face the opulent Destino Tower with a signature, ribbon-pattern design extending up the building or the shimmering waters of the nearby lake.
  • Arrange a lovely pre-event gathering nestled in a perfect oasis beneath nearby trees.
  • Encourage your guests to explore the Destino Tower. The space is a whimsical, magnificent tour de force, diverse in design, point-of-view and execution.

BRINGING YOUR DREAM WEDDING TO LIFE Loving this venue? Here are some important details to consider when planning your special day.
  • Hold your ceremony at 9:30 AM, 12:00 PM, 2:30 PM, 5:00 PM or 7:30 PM.
  • A buffet menu featuring savory appetizers, carved meats and more is available at this location.
  • Events in outdoor locations may be moved indoors due to inclement weather. A decision will be made at least 5 hours prior to your event.
  • Please be aware that ambient noise may be a factor during your outdoor event.
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"Cinderella is proof that a new pair of shoes can change your life."
– Unknown
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